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金門電力公司沙灘足跡憶童年  作者/樂山http://www.kmdn.gov.tw/show_pub.asp?pub_id=2006-3-21-20-4-38台灣電力公司為充分供應金門用電需求,緊急購置的四部移動式發電機組,四日在夏興發電廠順利進行試車,向軍民開出今夏絕對「來電」的保證。 中央社記者倪國炎攝 八十七年五月四日

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熱賣韓系衣化粧品代工 摩人雙十轉增貸款 外套徵信社 運動關鍵字排名優化 金門納骨塔 

恭錄自「陸軍軍官學校第二十四期畢業五十週年特刊」恭錄自「陸軍軍官學校第二十四期畢業五十週年特刊」特殊事件之省思  步二隊毛夢漪民五十八年,我在預一師第二團第二營任中校營長,駐防成功嶺,那年六月全師正準備大專學生,暑期訓練接訓事宜,緊鑼密鼓,忙得不可開交。記得是一個星期天下午,第三團第三營,發生件重大暴行案。有位老士官,擔任軍械士的馮世保,因不滿營長的管教方式,在午餐時,槍擊營長未遂,造成用餐之士兵多人負傷,馮遂攜械往成功嶺之後山逃逸,因而全師震動,大舉搜山圍捕。但馮世保因未達成槍殺營長目的,極不甘心,當晚深夜,潛回營房,在其營長寢室外窗口守候,看到營長就寢後,立即拉動卡柄槍槍機,準備射擊。營長因出了大亂子,心事重重,睡不著。忽聽窗外拉槍機聲,警覺到是馮世保返回尋仇,立即站起來,將身體緊靠牆角,屏息不動。馮世保卻打破窗子玻璃,大肆射擊。此時對面營房為士官隊學生,熟睡中,被槍聲驚醒,無經驗之學生,遂往營房外跑,馮世保以為學生是來圍捕他的,於是對學生亂槍掃射,造成多人受傷,馮並利用夜暗掩護逸去。 此舉造成成功嶺更大震動。第二天起,師部規定夜間各要點,一律設置埋伏哨,以防馮之再來。第二日深夜,有一預官,因休假逾時返營,如走大門,則必須登記,逾時歸營要受處分。該預官一想,跳圍牆而入,輕鬆自在,結果一跳而入,埋伏哨一見大驚,以為馮世保來了,立即開槍,一槍命中,並大呼「馮世保中槍了,抓到了。」救護車來了,將傷者緊急送成功醫院,一看,不是馮世保,而是一名預官。這下成功嶺更是人心惶惶。夜間營區,燈火盡熄,外出上廁所要戴鋼盔,人人須熟記口令,答不出口令,埋伏哨立即開槍。全師更是不分晝夜,分區分組,在後山搜捕。將近一週,猶如大海撈針,渺無信息。在這麼一大片山嶺中,樹木茂密,範圍遼闊,要找一個人,談何容易,何況我明他暗,我動他靜。 我當時全營只有一百四十餘人,全為基幹及雜勤士兵(接滿學生或新兵則為八百餘人)。我將全營分為三組,除勤務外,每組三十餘人,每八小時換班一次,在責任區內搜山。一天黎明不到,我正率一組官兵搜山,直覺地,第六感感應到馮世保就在附近.天還未亮,隱約間看到前面山坡上坐著一個人,我立即下令包圍,爾後再縮小包圍圈。馮世保發話了:「不要再前進,否則我要開槍了。」果然是馮世保,我又驚又喜,因為六年前我在第三團三營八連,當過兩年連長,馮世保是九連的兵,彼此認識,我說:「馮世保,我是毛連長,你這樣逃避,不是辦法,好漢做事好漢當,隨我回去投案,也許還有條生路。」馮世保說:「毛連長,冤有頭,債有主,要我營長來,當面了斷,我也不想再傷及無辜。」談著談著,天快亮了,馮世保一看不行,要趕快走,我立即帶了身邊三位弟兄往山上衝(其餘緊緊包圍住,防其逃竄)。馮世保拿起卡柄槍,一陣亂射(他把卡柄槍擊發阻鐵磨平,當衝鋒槍用),因為雙方距離太近,我左邊第一名是少尉排長曹子清,胸部中彈,應聲倒地,死了。第二名是中士班長顏正業,腹部中彈,腸子外露,在我旁邊哀嚎著:「救命啦!營長」喊了兩聲,也死了。第三名是下士班長朱常山(本省籍),左手腕中彈,抱著左手哎喲哎喲,滾下山去了。山上只有我一人,我用在官校入伍時學得的偽裝與欺敵動作,將鋼盔丟在左邊,引誘馮世保往左邊射擊,我從右邊匍匐過去打他,我身邊飛彈雨集,生死真是間不容髮。雙方纏鬥了十幾分鐘,我的部下也上來了,馮世保卻趴下不動了,我一看,死了,一共中了十四槍。下面一直傳說  「毛營長死了。」我卻活著回來了。與死神擦身而過。 曹子清少尉,原定兩天後訂婚,不幸殉職,可惜!顏正業是位木匠,平時省吃儉用,這次出勤前,理髮、洗澡,裡外換上新衣服,買了些滷菜、酒,到山上請客,想不到是殉職的預兆。他們二位的骨灰,都送到八卦山忠靈塔內供奉。民七十七年我在台中任十軍團司令,每年春秋兩季,代表總長至忠靈塔祭奠國軍英靈,上香時,我總默唸著曹子清、顏正業二人的名字,懷念這兩位共生死的戰友、共患難的伙伴。祝禱他們在天之靈安息。至於另一位受傷的朱常山、現在高雄開茶葉行。每次我南下高雄,一定去朱常山店裡品茶。 其實,暴行事件在民國五十到六十年間,是軍中頻頻發生的普遍現象,而其主犯清一色是所謂「老士官」,這個原因是由很複雜的背景因素造成。政府自三十八年遷台以來,隨軍子弟,即使當年及冠,二十年後也已步入中年,「反攻無望論」由彼此心照不宣而漸漸默認。相對此時民間經濟快速發展,國民所得已近美金千元,而一個「老士官」一月所得僅三十美元左右而已!在所有軍、公、教的社會地位和實際所得,是低層中的低層。電視普及,資訊逐漸擴散,本來所謂「愚兵可帥」,慢慢這些「愚兵」成為「一知半解」者,問題於焉叢生,牢騷盛行。這種狀況當局並非不知,政戰系統確也作出相當努力,提出各種措施,但都只是暫時的「抑制」而已,不能成為抽薪之策。環境壓力,使一些人對自我生命導向負面思考,弱者怨天,以自殺終結。強者尤人,遇引則爆。無論自殺或殺人,本身都是躁鬱症的患者,只是當年社會都沒有這層認知。由此觀點解讀,案中的馮世保何嘗不是一個可憐的病患?我之費這麼長的篇幅,描繪一件暴行案的細節,除了自我刻骨,慶幸歷劫平安以外,對同樣遭遇暴行而喪生的俞懷民同學有深深的悼念。文:David提供

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痘痘位置加盟創業 巨頭高雄85大樓民宿 好玩漁港WISH車隊 質感木工 金價南方松 

May 20th , 2008Priests check the firearms of Marines who will be sent to Basilan province in southern Philippines during the 110th founding anniversary of the Philippine Navy in Manila May 20, 2008. Philippine security forces warned of more bomb attacks on a troubled southern island by a group of "bombers-for-hire" trained by Islamic militants on Tuesday, a day after a crude bomb wounded six people at a bus terminal.Afghan soldiers from ANA (Afghan National Army) and soldiers from the 3rd Battalion PPCLA (Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry) out of Edmonton, Canada get ready for an operation in the Zharey district, Southern Afghanistan May 20, 2008. Petty Officer 1st Class Chris Staten, assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 2 at Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, controls the "Bomb Bot" during an integrated security training exercise.(Photographer: Seaman John Suits : Navy Visual News Service) Local residents and Navy Special Warfare Sailors do pull-ups during the SEAL Hero Challenge to honor fallen SEALS and Denver native Danny Dietz. The challenge, in conjunction with Denver Navy Week, consisted of 10 rounds of 200-meter runs, five pull-ups, 10 kettle bell swings with 33 or 36-pound weights, and 15 push-ups. (U.S. Navy photo/Photographer: Chief Petty Officer Specialist Steve Carlson : Navy Visual News Service) Local residents join with Navy special warfare Sailors for the SEAL Hero Challenge to honor fallen SEALS and Denver native Danny Dietz. The challenge, in conjunction with Denver Navy Week, consisted of 10 rounds of 200-meter runs, five pull-ups, 10 kettle bell swings with 33 or 36-pound weights, and 15 push-ups. (U.S. Navy photo/Photographer: Chief Petty Officer Specialist Steve Carlson : Navy Visual News Service) PACIFIC OCEAN (May 17, 2008) Surface search and rescue (SAR) swimmers Lt. Patrick Panjeti, right, and Seaman David Swan, conduct SAR training alongside the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). Stennis and embarked Training Air Wing 1 and 2 are conducting Naval Aviation Training Command carrier qualifications off the coast of Southern California. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Katrina V. Sartain (Released)

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行車記碌器怡富斯 特賣台北第四台 健亨資訊雲端科技 怡富斯理想家 新聞高雄住宿 

February 29th, 2008Exercises of special group "FENIKS" which belongs to polish border guard. french 126° infantry regiment training afghan soldiersSingapore Armed Forces military policemen are seen keeping watch under a major highway close to a wooded area on Friday Feb. 29, 2008 in Singapore. Interpol said Friday it has issued a worldwide security alert following the escape of an alleged Islamic terror leader from a jail in Singapore.The international police organization said it put out an "Orange Notice" on Mas Selamat Kastari, a suspected commander of the al-Qaida-linked Jemaah Islamiyah's Singapore arm.(AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)CENTRAL TRAINING AREA, OKINAWA, Japan — Marines with the Special Operations Training Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force, perform fast-roping operations onto a rooftop Feb. 21 at combat town in the Central Training Area. CENTRAL TRAINING AREA, OKINAWA, Japan — Marines with III Marine Expeditionary Force’s Special Operations Training Group conducted joint training with an Air Force Pavehawk helicopter and crew in the Central Training Area Feb. 21. The Air Force crew helped the SOTG Marines qualify to oversee helicopter rope suspension techniques training and operations using the aircraft. CENTRAL TRAINING AREA, OKINAWA, Japan — Marines with III Marine Expeditionary Force’s Special Operations Training Group conducted joint training with an Air Force Pavehawk helicopter and crew in the Central Training Area Feb. 21. The Air Force crew helped the SOTG Marines qualify to oversee helicopter rope suspension techniques training and operations using the aircraft. Britain's Prince Harry sits on his camp bed at FOB Delhi (forward operating base), in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan January 2, 2008. The government is reviewing Prince Harry's presence in Afghanistan, where he has been deployed with the army for 2-1/2 months, following leaks in the international media that he was deployed there, the Defence Ministry said on February 28, 2008. REUTERS/PoolBritain's Prince Harry patrols through the deserted town of Garmisir, Afghanistan, close to Forward Operating Base Delhi, on Wednesday Jan. 2, 2008.

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泡湯地庭園園藝造景 好美卡夾機場接送 超級商城房屋買賣 外套徵信社 保濕乳機場接送 

March 3rd, 2008STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. (Feb. 19, 2008) A special warfare combatant craft crewman assigned to Special Boat Team (SBT) 22 scans the shoreline during a training exercise along the Pearl River STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. (Feb. 21, 2008) A special warfare combatant craft crewman assigned to Special Boat Team (SBT) 22 checks his weapon during a training exercise along the shoreline of the Pearl River. SBT-22 crewmen use the special operations craft-riverine armed with an M240 belt-fed machine gun, a GAU-17 mini-gun and an M-2 .50 caliber machine gun. Each special boat operator must be proficient with each weapon and with personal firearms. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Robyn Gerstenslager STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. (Feb. 19, 2008) Special warfare combatant craft crewmen assigned to Special Boat Team (SBT) 22 align the sights of their M-4 rifles during small-arms training. SBT-22 crewmen use the special operations craft-riverine armed with an M240 belt-fed machine gun, a GAU-17 mini-gun and an M-2 .50 caliber machine gun. Each special boat operator must be proficient with each weapon and with personal firearms. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Robyn Gerstenslager (Released)SAN DIEGO (Feb. 26, 2008) Three rubberized inflatable boats (RIB) close in on a RIB that was deployed from a C-130 during a Special Boat Team 12 maritime craft air delivery system training exercise. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Matthew Syberg SAN DIEGO (Feb. 26, 2008) A Navy SEAL completes a water jump during a Special Boat Team (SBT) 12 maritime craft air delivery system training exercise. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Matthew Syberg SAN DIEGO (Feb. 26, 2008) Rubberized inflatable boats from Special Boat Team (SBT) 12 get into position during a maritime craft air delivery system training exercise. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Matthew Syberg

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折扣+場地佈置 即時通拉丁舞 七連發繡眉 在地小吃貼文軟體 2012年創業加盟 

December 12th, 2007Thai bomb squad officers inspect the wreckage of a military bus after a bomb exploded on a road, Pattani province southern Thailand, 12 December 2007. Suspected Muslim insurgents detonated a bomb in an ambush on military buses injuring 15 Thai soldiers, police said. Nearly 2,500 people have died in government crackdowns bombings revenge killings and beheadings since 2004 in three Muslim majority provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala Indonesian soldiers during a patrol near the venue of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 12 December 2007. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the bombings that targeted U.N. buildings and a government office, killing scores and leaving at least 12 U.N. employees missing

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苗栗雷射打標機 娛樂遊戲高雄借錢 統一發票高雄民宿 名牌手錶防水 最佳睡姿外遇徵信 

December 10th, 2007AT units of MFOR defend the area/Panzerabwehr vor - die MFOR-Soldaten verteidigen das Gebiet. Die Soldaten aus Osterreich reagierten schnell. Belgian soldiers take positions/Die Soldaten aus Belgien gehen in Stellung. Marksmen observe and report at controlpoints/Am Kontrollpunkt positionierte Scharfschutzen beobachten und melden. 05. Dezember 2007 - Die neueste Ubungseinlage: Vorerst friedlich gedachten einige Hundert Einwohner "Bravolands" in Poppendorf ihrer gefallenen Helden. Wie aus dem Nichts kam aber plotzlich Unruhe in die Menge. Die Nachricht, dass einer ihrer umjubelten Anfuhrer von den MFOR-Truppen verhaftet worden, hatte wie ein Lauffeuer die Runde gemacht. Col. Kevin Mangum, Commander, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, unviels the 4th Battalion, 160th SOAR, colors for the first time during the unit's activation ceremony on Dec. 6 at Fort Lewis, Wash. (Photo by Kimberly T. Laudano, 160th SOAR Public Affairs) Maj. Gen. Thomas Csrnko passes the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) colors to Col. Sean P. Mulholland, incoming 7th SFG(A) commander during a change of command ceremony at Fort Bragg, Dec. 7. (Photos by Sgt. Daniel Love, 7th SFG (A) Public Affairs) Col. Edward Reeder addresses the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) family after relinquishing command of the group during a change of command ceremony at Fort Bragg, Dec. 7. (Photos by Sgt. Daniel Love, 7th SFG (A) Public Affairs) Col. Sean Mulholland addresses the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) family after taking command of the group during a change of command ceremony at Fort Bragg, Dec. 7. (Photos by Sgt. Daniel Love, 7th SFG (A) Public Affairs) A 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) Soldier takes a quick view down his sights before participating in a shooting competition at Range 43 on Fort Lewis, Wash. Dec. 6. The competition was part of the 63rd Annual Menton Week, a celebration of the inactivation of the combined Canadian-American 1st Special Service Force. Fifty competitors from the U.S. and Canadian military shot in the competition. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Kosterman/1st SFG (A) Public Affairs Office) A Canadian soldier takes a shot during a shooting competition at Range 43 on Fort Lewis, Wash. Dec. 6. The competition was part of the 63rd Annual Menton Week, a celebration of the inactivation of the combined Canadian-American 1st Special Service Force. Fifty competitors from the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) and Canadian military shot in the competition. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Kosterman/1st SFG (A) Public Affairs Office A plane takes off as police officers check the surroundings before the arrival of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi at Paris Orly airport Monday 10 December 2007. A tent for Kadhafi has been erected in the gardens of the Hotel Marigny, the 19th-century mansion which is used as an official guesthouse for state visits. Kadhafi is on a five-day visit to France for a high-profile visit set to usher in multi-billion-euro nuclear and aviation contracts, even as critics lashed President Nicolas Sarkozy for inviting the former pariah. AFP PHOTO POOL AP REMY DE LA MAUVINIERE Indonesian marine pose during a drill on the beach near the venue of Climate Change conference in Nusa Dua, Bali island December 9, 2007. Trade ministers opened a new front in the global warming battle on Saturday on the fringe of U.N. climate talks in Bali bogged down in disputes between rich and poor over sharing out greenhouse gas curbs.

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